Valorisation of bio-waste in Greece: Bin2Bean at the Thessaloniki International Fair

The international fair in Thessaloniki (T.I.F. 2024) is a good opportunity to showcase Bin2Bean: Because the collection and utilisation of bio-waste is also making progress in Greece. Egaleo (near Athens) is one of the three Living Labs in the project. The organic waste bin is now to be successively introduced there.

On Sunday, 8 September, Bin2Bean was presented on stage in the German Pavilion – Germany is this year’s partner of the fair. Henning Friege (N³ Thinking Ahead, Germany) presented the benefits of composting bio-waste and introduced the special goals of Bin2Bean. Evridiki Pavlidis presented the Egaleo case. Meinhard Müller (AGROHUM, Greece) complemented both talks with a “best practice” example from Greece, the composting plant in Thessaloniki that produces compost from green waste for potting soil.

Peter Wolfmeyer (N³) facilitated the discussion. He welcomed the Mayor of the City of Egaleo as well as two of his Deputies among the guests. The great interest shown by the audience was reflected in the fact that the discussions continued in small groups after the event had finished.

Visitors to the trade fair can find out more at the stand of the German Bin2Bean partner N³. Picture: Representants of the City of Egaleo and Bin2Bean partners at the T.I.F. – from left to right: George Lamprou, Deputy Mayor (administrative services), Dr. Dimitris Tzempelikos (Bin2Bean, Egaleo), Christos Makaratzis, Deputy Mayor (waste management, recycling), Mayor Lampros Sklavounos, Dr. Henning Friege (Bin2Bean, N³), Evridiki Pavlidis (Bin2Bean, Egaleo), Peter Wolfmeyer (Bin2Bean, N³)