How to valorise biowaste? Learning about valorisation pathways developed by EU-funded projects

We have at our disposal a huge amount of unused resources, this is the biowaste that is not recycled and thrown away. Soil improvers, animal feed and energy can be derived from it and we cannot afford to lose this chance!

As part of our research and dissemination activities, the projects Bin2Bean, Fenix and bioSoilutions have teamed up for a joint webinar that will discuss all these topics. The chosen date is the 22nd of October 2024 at 12:00 (CET). You can register and connect via Teams using the link below.

We will listen about different valorisation solutions for these precious resources, developed by these three Horizon Europe projects.


12:00 Start and introduction

12:05 The Bin2Bean project – Sara Daniotti (Consorzio ITALBIOTEC)

12:15 The bioSoilutions project – Belen Miranda (SAV)

12:25 the Fenix Project – Miriam Romero (Inveniam Group)

12:35 Q&A session

13:00 End of the webinar

Registration link available HERE